Top Ten Tuesday 08/02/2014


As everyone is generally headed back to school this week, The Broke and the Bookish have made this week’s Top Ten Tuesday a back to school theme. The theme itself sounds pretty easy but I can guarantee you now, it is going to take me 15-20 minutes to write this post and come up with ten characters. This week’s theme is…

Top Ten Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table

1.) Hannah Marin from Pretty Little Liars

2.) Maddie Fynn from Death Date

3.) Bridget from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

4.) Sydney Biggs from Every Little Thing in the World

5.) Aly from The Fine Art of Pretending

I think I am going to leave this post at five characters that would be sitting at my lunch table. The next characters are ones I would want to sit at my table. (More or less for hotness factor, ect.)

1.) Caleb from Pretty Little Liars (Imagining if he is as hot as he is in the TV show)

2.) Peeta from The Hunger Games (Should be self explanatory)

3.) Four/Tobias from Divergent (Same as Caleb)

I’ll leave it at those three. Three hunky man candies would be plenty for my lunch table.

I apologize for my lack of pictures, details, as well as effort in this Top Ten Tuesday. I generally type up my TTT the night before and schedule for it’s posting on Tuesday. As of now, it is more like really early morning of Tuesday (around 3am) and I am struggling to stay awake as I type this. This was also a harder TTT topic than usual for myself, so I do apologize. I can promise that next week’s will be amazing.