Top Ten Tuesday 07/15/2014


As always, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is:

Top Ten Favorite Movies or TV Shows

I’m going to post ten for each just because I feel like it 🙂

Top Ten Favorite Movies:

1.) Disney Princess Movies – Based on my mood of the day (Brave, Frozen, The Princess and the Frog, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Tangled)

2.) Pitch Perfect – Absolutely love this movie and cannot wait for the second

3.) Ten Things I Hate About You – Classic 90’s movie

4.) She’s All That – Another classic 90’s movie

5.) Boys and Girls – Once again another classic 90’s movie

6.) American Pie – Last classic 90’s movie I swear

7.) Tomorrow, When the War Began – Australian movie based off of the first book in series, loved it

8.) How I Live Now – Not quite like the book, but I still really enjoyed it

9.) The Hunger Games – That’s pretty much a given

10.) The Parent Trap – Loved this movie growing up and I still love it now

(Can you tell I grew up in the 90’s?)


Top Ten Favorite TV Shows

1.) Dance Moms – As an ex-competitive dancer, there is no way I couldn’t love this show

2.) Pretty Little Liars – Love it even though it’s way different than the books

3.) Twisted – Just started watching this on Netflix and I’m addicted

4.) The Walking Dead – Loveeeee it

5.) American Horror Story – This may be my most favorite tv show out of all ten..I mean come on just look at Evan Peters ❤

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6.) Toddlers and Tiaras – Don’t judge me

7.) The Big Bang Theory

8.) Two Broke Girls

9.) The Night Shift – New show but I’m already in love with it

10.) America’s Got Talent – I watch this every summer with my mom and it’s actually pretty interesting


If certain shows weren’t cancelled *cough cough* The Lying Game, Make It or Break It, Chasing Nashville *cough cough* they also would have made the list. I’m thoroughly pissed that The Lying Game was cancelled though because I really enjoyed that show. ABC Family has a tendency it seems to cancel shows before they can get an ending and that pisses me off more than it probably should.

Anyhow, those are my top ten favorite movies and my top ten favorite TV shows. Do you enjoy watching any of the same shows or movies that made it to my list?

Why I Hate Loaning My Books

Theres constantly a popular book that comes out and it seems like everyone and their neighbor is reading it. Since I am so big on reading, my friends and even family members know that they can usually come to me to borrow a book, and I feel like I can’t say no. Loaning my books to friends and family wouldn’t bother me if I actually got them back within a reasonable amount of time, but I feel like I never get them back until I am texting them everyday asking if I can come by and grab my book.

I have loaned out my copy of Fifty Shades of Gray, which I did not buy myself, my mom spent her money on it and my best friend has had it for over a year now and has no idea where it is. Honestly, this wouldn’t bother me just because I don’t really care if I have a copy of Fifty Shades of Gray, but since my mom bought it, it bothers me a lot more.

I also have loaned out all of my Hunger Games books and was like, “eh whatever, I have read them all and won’t want to read them again for a while”…well I was wrong. I loaned them to a family member who doesn’t live close enough for me to go grab them or for them to drop them off and after getting my copy of Catching Fire at midnight on the 7th, I now realize how much I am dying to reread them. I am actually considering buying them all tomorrow after work because I am very impatient.

I’m definitely going to start saying no, and I don’t really care if they take offense to it anymore. Or I’ll tell them I want it back within a week. Hey, if I can finish that book in a few hours to a day, you can certainly get it done in a week.

Anyways, that is all my ranting for today. I just had to get it out somewhere because it’s been bothering me for a week now. I’m going to trying to talk myself out of book shopping tomorrow but we’ll see how that goes.